Carnation cultivation techniques with branches

Carnation planting techniques require flower growers to pay close attention to each step in order to obtain healthy and beautiful carnations. Growing blooming carnations for Tet is something you can do right now.

Carnation is a beautiful flower with a sweet aroma and has many special meanings, but to get the most beautiful carnations, flower growers need to comply with the technical process of growing flowers.


The appropriate temperature for carnations is 18 degrees Celsius - 20 degrees Celsius, in case the above harmonious temperature is suitable for carnation growth. Nighttime temperatures are very important for flower quality.

Picture 1 of Carnation cultivation techniques with branches
Natural conditions play an important role in carnation planting techniques.(Illustration)


Moisture affects the physiological activity of plants and transpiration of the leaves. Low air humidity makes plants lose water quickly, on the contrary, too high air humidity is a favorable condition for pathogens to grow, making flower products not meet the quality requirements. Suitable moisture for carnation plants is about 60% - 70%.

The light

Light is an energy source that helps plants flower to metabolize nutrients, creating reserves in plants. For flowering plants, light intensity and lighting time (during the day) greatly affect the growth and flowering, low or too high light intensity affects the photosynthesis process. Carnations are light-demanding species, the lowest intensity is 2.15x104 Lux, so there must be enough light to grow well.

Picture 2 of Carnation cultivation techniques with branches
Flower growers need to master the techniques of growing flowers to get healthy carnations.(Illustration)

Choose and make soil

Carnations can be grown successfully on any soil if drained and in good physical conditions. The carnation prefers light, porous, loamy soil, rich in nutrients, soil to escape gas, good moisture, after the rain must meet the requirement of rapid withdrawal, the sun and drought are not dry. Suitable soil acidity is 6-7, suitable for planting in cool, sunny areas, humidity of 60-70%. Therefore, when choosing carnation soil, it must be high, good soil, high humus, avoiding sunshine, beds 1.2 - 1.5m wide, 20 - 25cm high. The soil must be well-made, small and smooth, up flat, usually beds 80cm wide, 60cm bed surface, so deep excavation (80-100cm) soil must be treated with 40% Fooalin (or molybdenum); phase 5 cc foocmalin 40% into 3-5 liters of water sprayed with soil, cover plastic for 7 - 10 days.

Carnation cultivation techniques with branches

Shoots do not grow too old nor too young, 8-10cm long after trimming, they are treated with rooting stimulants (NAA, IBA, IAA with a concentration of 1000ppm soaked for 3-5 seconds) or dotted in drips Powder stimulation such as: Rootone .

After treatment, the shoots are plugged into the substrate with a density of 2.5 x 2.5cm (or 3x3cm). Keep it cool and keep it moist by spraying mist 2-3 times a day. It can be cutted into styrofoam, keep cool and keep moist at 85%, the ideal nursery temperature is 20 - 400C. The cuttings can be cutted depending on the area that can use humus, treated coco peat .

Picture 3 of Carnation cultivation techniques with branches
Flower growers should follow every step of the process of growing flowers.(Illustration)

Cuttings after 25-35 days can be extracted and planted. Choose plants with a good root system of 2-3cm long to grow is best, should not let root cuttings too long and should not plant trees with too weak roots will kill seedlings, when planting seedlings will Long recovery.

Water the humidifier with the moisture content of about 85%, plant with a density of 20-25 trees / m 2 . Planted according to 4 rows on beds, distance of row is 20cm, tree is 16cm away from trees, outer rows are thick, and rows are grown in dacz. It is recommended to grow dry with pots of plants floating on the ground 1/3, not to bury the roots because the tree is too difficult to develop and prone to neck fungus and death of seedlings.

How to water after planting

The seedlings must be watered after planting so that the roots and soil are exposed, raising the survival rate but the soil is too moist to make the plants rot and the temperature is high. Normally when the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius, fast growing plants do not worry about root rot, so increase the amount of water, but in winter the night temperature and daytime are misleading, so it is necessary to control the amount of water to irrigate and should irrigate. noon. Summer should be watered in the early morning or evening.

Picture 4 of Carnation cultivation techniques with branches
Breaking and pruning buds are also important steps besides flower growing techniques.(Illustration)

How to break the tops

Breaking the tops helps the germs on both sides to grow and produce uniform branches. Seedlings that are 4 weeks old will break the tops 1 time, keep 5-6 pairs of leaves (depending on the variety). It is advisable to water before breaking the tops so that the crunchy tops are easy to break, not to bury the stalks, after breaking the tops for 2 days, water them again to dry the face and limit bacterial infections. Continue breaking the second tip at 8-9 weeks for the 1-2 largest tops, leaving only 2 pairs of leaves. The number of tops is about 4-5 tops.

How to prune the bud

The single carnation needs to remove the extra buds. From the standard carnation plants, remove the buds for the main flower bud to have a chance to grow. For carnation beams (small carnations) need to trim off the main bud (the last bud in the middle), leaving extra buds. The pruning and fixing of trees into the grid must be done regularly.