Changing the threat of horticulture threats in the UK

Flower gardens on farms, endless green lawns in the UK are facing the risk of rapidly shrinking due to changes in climatic conditions. According to government information, it is possible that gardeners here will have to abandon their farming communications.

British gardeners are being warned to adapt to the changing climate conditions. They will have to accept the fact that in the next few years, the gardening awards they often receive, the annual blooming flowers they own in the garden . will only be past images.

British Environment Minister Ian Pearson said the time when the climate made gardeners have to change plant varieties will come quickly within the next 18 months. They will definitely need to know more about the types of plants that can tolerate hot and dry climatic conditions.

Picture 1 of Changing the threat of horticulture threats in the UK Petunia - Flower is very suitable for the Mediterranean climate (Photo: BBC) He also encourages gardeners here so soon choose flowers that need less water like marigold, petunia, geranium . to be the main plant variety.

One of the biggest changes for plants here is that their life cycle will be shortened. About 20 years ago, all gardeners knew how the climate would change during the seasons. And their plants can be used from generation to generation. But now, they can't expect these plants to be usable over several generations.

This means that gardeners will have to work harder many times than they did in the tens or hundreds of years ago.

Botanist Professor Mark Spencer of the Museum of Natural History thinks that realizing climate change is very important for gardeners, but the fact is we have not anticipated the change. How will that change be.

There will certainly be many different climate changes in different regions. Some people say that the temperature will increase much, but some signs show that in northwestern Europe, it will be colder. And it seems that the plants with drought tolerance will be the best in the future.