Cheap therapeutic fan

People use fan leaves to crush and crush with salt to cure sore throats. Cheap roots use a very good wound. Cheap fan with another name is canister, tongue, Belamcanda chinensis.

Picture 1 of Cheap therapeutic fan

Belamcanda chinensis - Belamcanda chinensis
(Photo: tok2)

Grass, 0.5 - 1m high. Rhizomes grow cows. The leaves are clumped together into two rows, spread out like a fan, the veins are parallel. Orange-yellow flowers show red dots. The fruit has shiny black seeds.

Plants are grown as ornamental plants because of beautiful leaves and flowers.

Cheap fan is a medicine for throat diseases such as cough, sore throat, tonsillitis, neck pain, sputum, hoarseness. When used, wash 10-20 g of fresh rhizome, rinse it with boiling water, crush it with a few salt particles, squeeze water and swallow it gradually. The medicine feels spicy and very hot. The remaining residue is warmed, covered in the neck. Day twice. Instant use 3-5 days.

Can be used as a decoction with 3 - 6g dried rhizome, gold star.

Cheap dried roots (8g) in combination with peas in golden star (8g), licorice wire for fresh (6g), dry sun drying (10g). All sliced ​​or pounded, sharpened with 400ml of 100ml water, drink twice a day. Cure sore throat, cough with phlegm.

Cheap roots (20g), chrysanthemum leaf (20g), purple cast iron leaves (10g), crushed with hot rice, molded into a swollen, tender bandage. Day twice.

In addition, the people also use the cheap trees including broken stems, roots, leaves and flowers, adding water, drinking, filling to cure poisonous snakes.

DO HUY BICH pharmacist