Seven islands were sold for 'cheap as for' but no one eventually bought

Buying an island for relaxation - it sounds like a lifetime's dream, but not all dreams are beautiful.

Besides the places that have been dubbed the million-dollar paradise, there are only celebrities and hard-working people who have a lot of money to buy, there are still islands on the market at affordable prices. a lot more - just a few tens of thousands of dollars.

For one thing, no one even looked for sale for decades. Of course, cheap islands that no one can buy can only be problematic islands.

1. Island Piaçabuçu, Brazil

Picture 1 of Seven islands were sold for 'cheap as for' but no one eventually bought

If you buy Piaçabuçu, you actually own up to 6 islands, because this is a cluster of islands located in northeastern Brazil. The islands possess poetic, lyrical scenes and abundant wildlife, whose prices are extremely soft - only $ 79,500 (about over VND 1.8 billion).

But miserable, no one is sad to buy them. The reason is because legally, no matter how much money you have, you are only allowed to use the island for a period of 99 years , and each year still have to pay a relatively unclear tax.

2. Small rock island, Canada

Picture 2 of Seven islands were sold for 'cheap as for' but no one eventually bought

An island of 32,000m 2 , with white sandy blue sea, mild nature, and an intact pine forest. The forest is also a very effective natural shield when the weather changes badly. And especially before that no one has built anything on the island, so you absolutely have the opportunity to become the first person.

The price for this island is also very soft - only $ 74,500 (VND 1.7 billion). However, it is very difficult to sell, because the island market in Canada is currently bustling with many other islands that are considered more valuable .

3. Tillamook Island, USA

Picture 3 of Seven islands were sold for 'cheap as for' but no one eventually bought

Tillamook Island has an unpleasant nickname: "terrible" island. In fact, it's not exactly an island, it's just a cliff and a lighthouse off the coast of Oregon.

When it was decided to sell, the value of the island was set at the sky level - up to more than $ 500,000, but also sold several times thanks to the historical value it held. However, at the present time, the price to own Tillamook is only $ 50,000 (more than VND 1.1 billion) but still not looking at it.

The reason is because the waves here are so strong , and some scary stories related to those who want to buy must falter.

4. Chandler Island, United States

Picture 4 of Seven islands were sold for 'cheap as for' but no one eventually bought

Chandler is a super baby island, an area of ​​just over 4000m 2 . In return, it owns a beautiful landscape, an available cabin and you can completely build houses here.

The price to own Chandler Island is $ 39,999 (about over VND 900 million). However, the reason why buyers falter is because of the tide: every time they climb, half of the island is almost completely changed .

5. McGibbon Island, Canada

Picture 5 of Seven islands were sold for 'cheap as for' but no one eventually bought

The rudimentary island is located on the St. River. Johns (New Brunswick Canada) is currently being sold for $ 29,900 (about VND 700 million) and is negotiable. This is considered a great place for camping and entertainment.

Every crime in the spring, the floodwaters will rise to cover the island. So basically, you can't build anything on this island (unless you add a pile of money to raise the island higher).

6. Cluster of Sheep Lake Island, Canada

Picture 6 of Seven islands were sold for 'cheap as for' but no one eventually bought

Sheel Lake (Ho Sheep) is the name of a cluster of islands covered with trees on the lake of the same name. The water surface is clear, green trees will create an extremely relaxing feeling. However, in terms of privacy, this is a big minus point, because it is only about 40km away from the nearest fishing village, so there will be many people casually visit.

Anyway, if you accept that minus point, you can own this island for $ 50,989 (nearly 1.2 billion VND).

7. Fort Carroll Island, USA

Picture 7 of Seven islands were sold for 'cheap as for' but no one eventually bought

Spend $ 31,500 (nearly 730 million), you will be the owner of Fort Carroll - an artificial island rich in historical traditions, right next to the Key Bridge (Maryland, USA).

The island was built in 1848 to protect the city of Baltimore. However, you can only buy the island if you accept a condition, that is to restore the abandoned fortress there.

In fact, local companies have attempted to transform this island into a hotel, a commercial center, a casino, even a city . prison, but are not effective. The reason is because you must both build and preserve the albatross and herons.

This is impossible, because they nest all over the island. Moreover, if the construction started to be too noisy that scared the birds away, you would eat some more court penalties.