Chemical leaks in Tan Rai bauxite complex

At the caustic mixing tank of the Tan Rai bauxite complex, there are some damaged and corroded locations that create gaps, without dangerous warning signs in the caustic soda storage and mixing.

Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee has issued a document instructing the relevant units of this province to conduct investigation and verification of acts and levels of violation in environmental protection in Lam Dong aluminum bauxite complex project. to handle according to current regulations.

Previously, receiving news from the public, Lam Dong Department of Natural Resources and Environment urgently established an interdisciplinary inspection team to suddenly inspect the environment at Lam Dong aluminum bauxite complex project.

At the gathering place of chemicals (caustic soda) used to extract bauxite, the inspection team discovered that the bags of chemicals were not covered, preserved carefully. The packaging containing caustic soda must not be collected in the prescribed place, discarded outside and not covered, when there is some amount of caustic soda left in the packaging according to the water penetrated into the soil and a part of it flows along the line. water flows into the general drainage ditch system of the plant to the outside environment.

Picture 1 of Chemical leaks in Tan Rai bauxite complex
Flow of water containing caustic soda flows into the environment. (Calendar Engraving Image)

In particular, at the time of inspection, the water containing caustic soda has pH - 10.53, the temperature in the country reaches 31.2 degrees C, about 20% higher than the permitted standard.

According to the Inspectorate of Lam Dong Department of Natural Resources and Environment, there are a number of damaged and corroded places in the mixing tank, creating gaps; There are no dangerous warning signs in the storage of caustic soda and mixing.

According to Bao Lam District's Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the area affected by chemicals leaked from Lam Dong's bauxite aluminum complex project is about 200ha.

Currently, Lam Dong environmental police have also investigated, determined the level of violation to take the form of treatment.