China: A baby has three hands

On May 30, Chinese doctors at the Shanghai Children's Health Center are considering surgical solutions for a nearly two-month-old grandson with abnormal birth defects with three arms.

Currently, the Shanghai Children's Health Center doctors have not yet identified which arm of the child is more developed for surgical methods. Photo Reuters.

Picture 1 of China: A baby has three hands Currently, the Shanghai Children's Health Center doctors have not yet identified which arm of the child is more developed for surgical methods. (Photo: Reuters) Little Jie-jie, 59 days old, was born in Shanghai Hospital with birth defects with three hands.

Dr. Chen Bochang, Head of Orthopedic Surgery said that, through the tests, both left arms did not have the full function of an arm. Up to this point, no arm has been identified yet.

Chen said: "The case of the child is very unusual. We have never encountered a case with such a complete third arm. It is difficult for us to make a decision to choose wing surgery. Which hand for you ".

In addition, according to a source of information from the local press, the above child only has one kidney. Doctors diagnosed, maybe this is the cause of his spine being bent.

In particular, when he touches his left arm together, he will cry, but when he touches other places, he laughs.

Doctors at the Shanghai Children's Health Center are promoting a surgery plan for the child. However, because he is too young, this is a difficult problem for doctors.

Mr. Chen said: "We will talk to many experts and we will soon find a way for him to operate."

In the past, in China, there have been some cases where the child was born with one more leg or one hand. However, all of these cases have been identified by experts, which arms or legs are more developed.

Dr. Chen Bochang's Shanghai Children's Health Center is one of the most experienced hospitals in orthopedic surgery for unusual birth defects in newborn babies, including twins. From Shanghai's richest land to the poor countryside of An Hoi Province, many cases of deformities such as Jie-jie's grandchildren have also been brought here.

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