China initially tested the AIDS vaccine successfully

On August 18, Chinese authorities were happy to announce the results of the AIDS vaccine trial. 49 healthy people aged 18-50 were vaccinated against AIDS and after 180 days, they remained healthy.

Picture 1 of China initially tested the AIDS vaccine successfully The two volunteers sat on the left and right cover of the photo. (Photo: TTO) Mr. Zhang Wei, head of the Food and Drug Administration said the vaccine proved to be very safe and effective.

15 days after vaccination, the immune system of the test participants reacted to the HIV-1 virus (this is a disabled HIV virus and when injected into the volunteer body, it only works to indicate the success of the vaccine without affecting the health of these people. The results show that vaccines have worked well in the human immune system. So part 1 of China's HIV vaccine testing program was a great success.

The scientists divided 49 volunteers into eight groups, six of which were only given one vaccine, and the other two were given a vaccine mixture. The immune system and cells in the group were injected with a vaccine mixture that reacted to the HIV-1 virus.

Scientists are now analyzing blood samples from 49 volunteers to decide whether or not to conduct part 2 of the program. In part 2, at least 800 more volunteers will be needed. In this phase, the vaccine will be tested in high-risk groups.

It is known that a vaccine before mass production must undergo 3 successful testing steps.