Cinnamon's cure for diabetes

Picture 1 of Cinnamon's cure for diabetes Cinnamon Forest Kneeling Malaysian researchers have found new evidence that cinnamon can help reduce diabetes by lowering blood sugar.

This three-year study conducted by the Malaysian University of Technology has shown that this popular spice has good effects on type-II diabetics, which usually develops at age. mature.

Mohammad Rojo, head of the study, said many physicians in the world have used cinnamon to treat diarrhea and rheumatism because of its ability to improve circulation, wound healing and Prevent ulcers and allergies.

"In the past decade, laboratory studies have also found that cinnamon extracts have the same effect as insulin in cells," he said .

Insulin functions to regulate the body's ability to use blood sugar, but people with diabetes who have lost the ability to respond to the hormone.