Civilized excavations were

Scientists have recently discovered hundreds of geometric blocks deep underground in the Amazon region, believed to be owned by an unknown ancient civilization.

Archaeologists have found more than 200 underground bricks like circles, squares connected by straight lines. They were determined to exist from around 1,283 AD, some older, around 200 AD.

These blocks were found in an area that stretches over 241 km, covering northern Bolivia and Brazil's Amazon state.

Picture 1 of Civilized excavations were
More than 200 blocks have been discovered in the Amazon area.

The first blocks were excavated since 1999, after a large area of ​​primitive forest was opened for grazing. Carved from the fertile clay block of the Amazon region, these buildings have an average width of 9.14 m, a depth of 3.05 m and a height of 0.91 m. The largest circle found so far has a diameter of up to 304.8 m.

A group of researchers analyzed all the results found in the Ancient Ruins magazine. They said that most of these structures were clustered in a relatively flat area with a height of about 200 m on the upper reaches of the river. This will provide a defensive advantage for residents living here.

The researchers also hypothesized that these buildings played a role in ancient rituals, due to the symbolic shapes left behind by the civilization.

Study co-author Denise Schaan, from the University of Pará Para, Brazil, said: 'Although these works are for defense or rituals, they say that in the past the area was very populated and they have settled here for a long time. '

Picture 2 of Civilized excavations were
These bricks may be a symbol of an ancient ritual.

Schaan added that at least 300 people were involved in building a block, so the population of this civilization could reach more than 60,000.

Excavation at some points also reveals evidence of habitat, including pottery art, or pieces of stone and graphite.

These results undermine the conclusions of previous studies that the area is only adequate for a small village to live in, instead the area contains a relatively complex social complex. This civilization may have been 'wiped out' by diseases invaded by armies 500 years ago.