Clam died massively covering Chile's beach

Thousands of dead clams along the island of Chiloe, Chile, followed the event of 8,000 tons of sardines washed into the mouth of the Queule before.

According to Grind TV, the disaster began last year when more than 300 whales were found in distant water bays in southern Chile.

Picture 1 of Clam died massively covering Chile's beach
Clams die on the island of Chiloe, Chile.(Photo: AFP).

Earlier this year, 40,000 tons of salmon, accounting for about 12% of Chile's annual production of salmon, died in Los Lagos. Then, about 8,000 tons of sardines washed into Queule estuary and the clam died filled the island coast of Chiloe. In addition, the bodies of thousands of cuttlefish are also listed on Santa Maria Island.

In the past 4 weeks, the central and southern Los Lagos area has been affected by the largest red tide in Chilean history, according to Reuters. Red tide is a phenomenon in which algal blooms occur naturally, turning seawater into reddish brown, causing oxygen in the water to be exhausted and suffocating many marine life.

Scientists also attributed the unusually strong El Nino weather pattern and the warming of the sea surface temperature due to warm water resulting in larger algae production. With a coastline of 4,000 km, Chile is particularly vulnerable to the impact of these phenomena.

Picture 2 of Clam died massively covering Chile's beach
Thousands of clams die due to red tide and El Nino.(Photo: Facebook).

"We believe that the common cause of marine life death in southern Chile, on salmon farms and along the coast is the El Nino phenomenon . This year's El Nino model is classified as one of the the strongest waves in 65 years , " said an expert at the Chilean Fisheries Institute.

"Chile still lacks information about the sea. The government needs to invest in oceanographic research so we can predict some events," said Valesca Montes, World Wildlife Fund fisheries expert in Chile. , to speak.