Clip: The aliens 'stand up' just visited the Earth?

This is the first time in 2018 someone posted a clip of a UFO.

According to Mirror Online, an unidentified flying object (UFO) has just been discovered flying across a street in the state of Baja California, Mexico. Mexico's Pedro Ramirez (UFO expert) believes that this is one of the first, and is the first time a clip has been filmed for a 2018 UFO.

This unidentified flying object was recorded by the driver who was a woman in Baja California state, when she was on the road. The video quickly attracted the attention of netizens with over 50,000 shares after only a few hours."You can see it's a vertical pipe UFO flying across the city," Ramirez said after watching the video.

Verdict of Mexican UFO expert received many consents of those who believe in the existence of aliens. However, many people after watching the video believe that this is just a jet test, or even a staged video.

Picture 1 of Clip: The aliens 'stand up' just visited the Earth?
The origin of this UFO is still a big question mark.

Currently, the alien life in general and the truth about UFOs in particular have not been determined. However, scientists believe that evidence of UFOs will appear more and more as NASA and SpaceX tests increase."If aliens are real, they may assume that human-made objects and space launches are a manifestation of the war," the scientists said.