Coal mining and burning are very harmful to health

Australian Medical Journal recently published a new study that there is a lot of evidence that the exploitation and burning of coal is very harmful to health and can seriously affect people's lives.

This is also the biggest health problem in the future of humanity.

Research by the author group of the Australian Environmental Doctor (DEA) organization also said that if maintaining the exploitation and burning of coal will exacerbate the impact of climate change, damage to environment for water supply and air pollution.

Picture 1 of Coal mining and burning are very harmful to health

The Australian public is increasingly concerned about the expansion of coal mining activities in the country to export to countries with strong economies, such as China and India.

Although Australia still lacks research works on this issue, there is still evidence that the impact of coal mining and burning activities on people's health is similar to the problems developed by countries. like the US has encountered.

New South Wales' Hunter Valley area is an example of this concern. Coal mining activities here are closely related to the health of people in the area with depletion, anxiety and disease. In addition, there are other issues such as deaths and injuries to workers in the mining industry, lung disease, the risk of traffic accidents when transporting coal and greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, people living near coal-fired power plants also face the risk of premature death from exposure to toxins emitted from burning coal such as arsenic, mercury and lead.