Coffee addiction can be caused by genes

US scientists believe that two genes in the human body can cause some people to drink a lot of coffee every day.

Picture 1 of Coffee addiction can be caused by genes

Healthday said Dr. Neil Caporaso, head of the Genetic Pathology Department of the National Cancer Institute, and genetic analysis colleagues of more than 47,000 Americans and Europeans have a habit of drinking tea, coffee or something. certain drinks every day. The aim of the study is to understand the role of genes in the drinking habits or neurotransmitters.

The team found that all people with CYP1A2 or AHR had an average of 40 milligrams of caffeine compared with those without these two genes. They were named CYP1A2 and AHR.

Some previous studies have shown that CYP1A2 is involved in caffeine metabolism in coffee, while AHR controls the activity of CYP1A2.

'We are the first to prove that CYP1A2 makes a difference in the level of each person's coffee drinking ,' Caporaso said.

According to Caporaso, humans can be divided into two types according to the rate of caffeine metabolism in the body. The carriers of CYP1A2 and AHR have a high exchange rate so they need to get more caffeine into their bodies. In contrast, those who do not carry the two genes have a slow exchange rate so they need less caffeine.

Coffee is the most popular psychoactive substance on the planet.