Computer controlled by ... eyes

Without keyboard and mouse, MyTobiiP10 is a tablet PC model controlled from the "soul window" via touch screen. The choices on the user's command window are determined by the length of time they look at.

Picture 1 of Computer controlled by ... eyes

MyTopiiP10.Photo: CNet

In fact, the keyboard of MyTobiiP10 is virtual and displayed on the screen. The integrated eye tracking technology in the computer measures the time that the eyeball focuses on a certain point on the screen and decides to execute the command.

This device is aimed at people with disabilities, suffering from diseases such as quadriplegia, fibromyalgia, mild brain and marrow injury .

The product price is US $ 17,000 and has just been sold through distribution channels in the US, Sweden, Norway, Germany and the UK.

Tobii is a Swedish company specializing in hardware and software for eye movement analysis.

Thuy Huong