Control the plane by thought

Future pilots can fly the plane with mental power, direct dictation from the brain without the need for manual control.

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Researchers at Muchen University of Technology in Germany have demonstrated their ability to manipulate planes by thought , with incredible accuracy.

Picture 1 of Control the plane by thought
A participant in the aircraft control room in the model room - (Photo:

According to CNET, a team led by Professor Florian Holzapfel is studying ways to direct commands from the brain to the flight control system in a European-funded project called ' brain'.

'If you use the thought of controlling the airplane, moving in the air will be more convenient. It helps to reduce the workload of pilots and thus increase the safety level of the flight. In addition, pilots are free to manipulate hand commands in the cockpit, " said lead engineer Tim Frickle.

To establish a communication link between the pilot and the flight control system, experts design a helmet that attaches the electrodes to continuously measure the team's EEG, and special algorithms will decode the information. The brain waves come out and turn into dictates.

After testing the new system on 7 volunteers, the results show that they can control the aircraft maintaining the journey by thinking about the necessary commands in the head.