Control your tablet, smartphone by thought

Samsung has been researching the possibility of using thought in the human brain to perform controller behavior on tablets and smartphones.

Picture 1 of Control your tablet, smartphone by thought
Performance testing of tablet by brain

Samsung has been working with scientists at the University of Texas in the United States to develop a hat that can be used to control features on smartphones and tablets. This test hat was fitted with electroencephalogram electrodes (EEG). The testers used a separate control application installed on the hat and allowed the user to wear the hat to the head. Behavioral control features on smartphone, tablet.

The hat will use electroencephalogram technology to help users make choices on a tablet using their thoughts. Users can select contacts, open applications and select a song from a list on Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet. The researchers found that by monitoring the brain while simultaneously displaying repeated images, people could open an application and make a selection from a catalog by focusing on one. The icon flashes at a certain frequency.

This technology will be very useful for users especially disabled people when they are not able to use their fingers to control on touch screen devices such as tablets, smartphones, for example. know. The researchers also said they would accelerate the pace of this technology to provide users in the near future as soon as possible.