Smartphone and tablet have a bad effect on sleep

Using a tablet or smartphone before going to bed can cause sleep disturbances of users.

Picture 1 of Smartphone and tablet have a bad effect on sleep

According to a recent study from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Science Institute in New York City, using a tablet or smartphone before going to bed can cause sleep disturbances for users.

Light from a mobile device screen can reduce the amount of melatonin 23% in humans. Melatonin is a natural substance in the body that helps a person feel sleepy when it is near midnight or a break at noon. The reduction of natural melatonin will cause the biological clock to turn upside down, leading to sleep disorders, leading to many bad factors affecting health.

According to experts of Rensselaer Polytechnic, users should limit the use of tablets or smartphones before going to bed or to screen these devices at least 35cm away from the human eye. In addition, the best advice is that users should turn off mobile devices when going to bed at night to get the deepest sleep.