Coriander essential oils can kill resistant bacteria

Essential oils extracted from coriander seeds can be used to treat many diseases such as food poisoning and diseases caused by MRSA - Portuguese scientists said.

Picture 1 of Coriander essential oils can kill resistant bacteria

Experts at Beira Interior University researched the effects of coriander seed oil on 12 deadly bacteria, including salmonella, E.coli and MRSA, an antibiotic-resistant bacterium. danger. The results showed that all bacteria stopped growing and most were destroyed by a solution containing less than 1.6% of the oil. Scientists found that the oil breaks down and destroys the outer membrane of bacterial cells, while inhibiting the respiratory process, causing them to die.

Now scientists plan to put coriander essential oils into cosmetics, mouthwashes and drugs to prevent infectious diseases caused by bacteria resistant to all antibiotics that cannot be cured. However, Dr. Fernanda Domingues, a member of the research team, said they need to study more about how to develop this essential oil into medicine.