Correct understanding of Histology

Histories are considered mental illnesses with the expression of excessive fear or emotion; The patient imagines a certain part of the body that is ill and unable to control itself.

The original Greek name is hysterikos, a disease that only folds in women and is thought to have a cause from the uterus.

Something about the history of the disease

Picture 1 of Correct understanding of Histology

Hysterikos - Greek (Photo: aefraser)

By the time Hippocrate was called Hysteria, it was also thought to be due to irregular blood transport from the uterus to the brain. Since the mid-19th century, the disease has been widely referred to as histology in women, which many now consider to be unsatisfactory. So 'treatment' used to use a vibrator or spray water to create orgasm.

The Western medical community today does not use the name of female histology but in the Victorian era, the name of the disease is a fairly common diagnosis and includes a variety of symptoms such as depression, anxiety, severe abdominal pain, difficulty Sleep, water retention, cramps, shortness of breath, irritability, loss of appetite, loss of desire and tendency to cause disorder.

When diagnosed with histology, women are massaged in the pelvic area, which means that the physicians use their hands to stimulate the female genitalia to the extent that 'episodes of episodes of episodes' are now called orgasm.

From 1859 there was a physician who thought that up to a quarter of women had histology and with more than 75 pages describing symptoms, almost every disease could be suitable for diagnosis of histidemia. It is only beneficial for physicians because patients are not so severe that they need to be treated regularly.

The only problem is that physicians are not interested in long-lasting massage therapy for patients to reach orgasm, so it is necessary to invent electric machines and vibrators that were born in the 1870s, By 1918, it was very handy for home use.

In the early 20th century when psychoanalysis was initiated by Sigmund Freud (an Austrian physician), hysteria was treated by its own method. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the number of diagnosed histories has decreased markedly, due to many reasons, but many physicians think that because people have more knowledge about conversion disorder. Many of the histological cases that Freud corrected were anxiety. Nowadays, it is acknowledged that many manifestations of histamine are considered to be isolated mental diseases, transformational diseases and anxiety.

And it should be added that the knowledge of histology has improved thanks to the work of the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot.

About the pathogen

400 BC, Hippocrates identified histology as "a disease of the uterus, which could be cured by movement and massage." Plato hypothesized that the uterine-born disease wandered around the female body and would cause the patient to suffocate and die when it moved to the chest, so the Greek name means death. supply.

A famous second-century physician, Galen, wrote that histidemia is a sexually deficient disease, common in unmarried women, nuns, women widows and sometimes women. married woman. Treatment in the medieval period and revival is to create an opportunity to have sex if it is a married woman, or to marry if not married or to use a midwife to massage the small frame. .

In the nineteenth century, a topic was much discussed, that was, sex was the act of reproduction or behavior for pleasure. Although it is a contemporary sacred image, Queen Victoria of England has many children. When fertility decreases, the reproductive purpose of sexual behavior is no longer the main; Most female sexual concepts at the time mistakenly believe that women do not require sex and thus women have sex only to reproduce. That finding may lead to an increased risk of unsatisfactory sex among women and an increased need for histological treatment.

Disease and direction of treatment

Transitional disease of historical origin is histologic, described by Sigmund Freud and treated by psychoanalysis. Transfiguration has many different manifestations and may be due to an acute psychological stress that the individual cannot handle. The decline in total psychological function has made the brain unconsciously weaken or weaken the body's function to the extent that it makes the patient not feel the impact of this stress again. So psycho-social stress can be 'transformed' into physical symptoms. The patient is unaware of this process - a characteristic called complete indifference.

Symptoms are often like neurological disease, including one or more of the following symptoms and signs: paralysis of a limb or full paralysis; impaired hearing or vision; loss of sensation; language impairment or loss; convulsions due to psychological causes; increased muscle tone due to psychological causes.

The diagnosis of the disease is often very difficult, need to study the history and observation carefully to eliminate the possibility that patients pretend or have biological causes not discovered. Examine the body and nerves carefully to find out if the cause is enough to cause paralysis. If it is not due to a cause, then the patient needs to be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy to break the psychological barrier and behavioral cycles that cause stressors to arise.