CP80: The new black Web blocking solution

The Internet provides useful knowledge, engaging discoveries for everyone and especially children. However, on the Internet there are many pitfalls that are always lurking on users.

Picture 1 of CP80: The new black Web blocking solution Unhealthy Web sites are spreading more and more and there are almost no effective solutions removed. Black Web filtering programs are easy to "bypass". So the solution to manage and remove new malicious Web sites, clean the Internet is imperative. Recently, a new black Web management solution called CP80 has just been introduced, promising to bring better Black Web management capabilities without big investment.

CP80 has a big difference compared to other black web filtering solutions. CP80 is not a Web content filtering solution, but allows people to use the Internet according to the same channels as TV channels.

The Internet has about 65,000 ports used to access Internet services. However, most of the content on the Internet is viewed on browsers such as news, sports, games for children, and even the Web is not healthy . all of this information is used. a single port for web services: port 80.

Why not use other ports among 65,000 ports to categorize content? That is a good question. But don't stop there, there are many unused ports. So, Why don't we classify and use a separate port for adult content? What to do to make those ideas come true? Derived from those very simple questions. Solution to remove CP80 black Web sites was born. Why is CP80 not another name? CP80 in English means Clean Port 80 (the port of the web service port (Port 80)) - means to clean up Web content.

Classifying Web content based on Internet channels is a good idea, users can choose the information channels that suit themselves more easily. The CP80 classifies the Internet into its own channels, such as channels for popular content, channels for other content, or channels with specific content for adults. Therefore, it is easy to understand that CP80 filters Web content into content-based channels that fit people's requirements. One feature to keep in mind is that CP80 does not remove black Web content, but puts them in a separate channel for easier management.

By bringing adult content into a separate channel or many other channels, CP80 will help users avoid the pitfalls of the Internet and users will become safer. However, if the user wants the Internet to remain in the usual way, it is still fully met.

To apply a successful CP80 solution, a huge factor is the law. The laws need to act directly, instructing unhealthy content to be designed using a number of regulated ports (channels) and those who distribute content that is not appropriate to the channel will be responsible law. Not only that, private areas on the Internet need to be tied to the law and Internet service providers are responsible for helping, informing users of these errors.

In short, CP80 is a black Web content filtering solution on a separate channel like cable channels. CP80 is deployed on infrastructure systems including hardware and software available, so it is easy to set up and invest in low cost. But to achieve success, CP80 needs help, law enforcement is not just a single country, but it is the support of all countries in the world.

Minh Phuc