Decoding the mysterious ray of Dr. Vu Van Bang

What are earth rays the rays? The story of Dr. Vu Van Bang's underground water, cave and remains seems very mysterious. Could it be a new invention like the case

What are earth rays the rays? The story of Dr. Vu Van Bang's underground water, cave and remains seems very mysterious. Could it be a new invention such as the 'Garin Engineer's Terrifying Light' or Roentgen's X-ray?

In recent years dozens of newspapers have written about Dr. Vu Van Bang using ' earth rays' to find groundwater, caves and remains. People praised him as talented as ' geography teacher ', ' teacher Ta Ao ', ' witch teacher ', ' god of earth ', feng shui, and psychic . although these words were used in brackets. double.

Being promoted to the 'Contemporary' program, he became more and more famous. As a colleague and his colleague, but also a science journalist, I put the question of skepticism first. In order to be objective, I tried to see how the press wrote, but the more I read . the more noisy, unaware of the nature of that 'ray of earth'. Therefore, it is best to "witness with his own eyes and directly" ask him.

Was it a new invention?

Picture 1 of Decoding the mysterious ray of Dr. Vu Van Bang

Conducting experiments at the field trip of Hon La, Quang Binh.(Photo: NNM)

I participated in the workshop - fieldwork on the topic of groundwater science by Dr. Vu Van Bang in Quang Binh. We reached the Hon La site, where Dr. Vu Van Bang found groundwater for the new industrial zone, although earlier methods of other exploration failed. Apparently, the journalists were less interested in announcing Dr. Vu Van Bang's four points, in which he claimed to have found what is known as the "earth ray" with a new theory of the formation of the left magnetic field. Land and its practical applications.

If so, this would be a ' breakthrough ' invention, finding an unprecedented form of ray, similar to gamma rays, alpha rays, radiation, Roentgen rays, laser beams .?

Announced four points by Dr. Vu Van Bang

1. Discovering the "RADIATION" phenomenon of all objects when moving and contacting, related to basic science: physics, chemistry and mechanics. This is a breakthrough discovery in science. From here can bring about many changes in the electromagnetic field to develop a series of new measurement technologies and explain most of the unknown natural phenomena, especially phenomena considered mystical .

2. Announcing a new hypothesis about the origin of Earth's magnetic field

3. Radiation method - a completely new method with a wide range of applications in the field of science, life and production including basic research

4. Successfully manufacturing the magnetic radiation field recognition machine - a completely new and unique tool that recognizes this field.

This must be a National Science Council, even an international assessment. But it is clear that these are really 'shocking' announcements and people have to ask whether Vu Dr. has a 'great' disease?

After the seminar, I found him only to hear him explain what the nature of the ' earth ray' is. First of all, I said that his name, ' earth ray ' seems to be too much of a 'mere note', without any scientific connotation. Moreover, he himself called this ray of radiation, which is the magnetic radiation, which is the magnetic radiation, the geomagnetic field, he even told the media which is good, bad rays half.

Vu Van Bang acknowledged that the name ' earth bolt ' did not contain its scientific content , but because it used to be used already and because it sounded rustic, it was also misleading.

If you use scientific terminology, he says, it is ' Radiation from second-order second order' . This term is not included in scientific dictionaries because it is a completely new concept. It is a physical phenomenon that occurs when and only if matter moves or interacts between different environments in contact with each other. For example, a block of groundwater flows in the rock layers, which causes pressure to affect rocks; In the country, chemical reactions that cause heat, friction also produce heat and electricity. Combining all such effects produces electricity and magnetic fields. That magnetic field causes magnetic radiation.

This radiation from the radiation has not yet been mentioned in any scientific literature, so he decided it was a breakthrough discovery. He is confident that this is an unknown natural phenomenon, involving both physics, chemistry and mechanics.

From that concept, Vu Van Bang has developed a completely new hypothesis that is different from the theory that the ' cinematography ' still dominates the science of Earth's magnetic origin, but due to the motion and friction of the belts. Liquid material revolves around the hard core. To bring about this hypothesis, he conducted a test of compatible models and solved three related issues:

1) The axis of the Earth's magnetic field is always changing and never coincides with the geographic axis;

2) The phenomenon of polarity from (about 1 million years every time)

3) The image of bipolar magnets is not the 'ingot' form that people imagine (as written in textbooks) but the word 'sphere'.

Thus, Vũ Văn Bằng not only used the existing physical concepts to apply to his "earth ray" method but could say he was building a new ' doctrine '.

I thought and told Vu Dr. that his discovery was very impressive, but it was almost impressive to exchange with non-pagans like journalists, and scientists still have not seen and knew nothing about the ray. This mystery. Mr. Bang immediately recognized, the leading geophysicist Ngo Van Bau when he listened to the presentation, shook his head, not knowing how to criticize.

From the methodology to his presentation, there is no exaggeration. I think this is a very new issue, but in order to prove it, it may be necessary to have research collaboration of experts in many fields such as physics, chemistry, and mechanics and must proceed More extensive experiment. These results must be published in world scientific journals, not just on domestic newspapers like today. Who knows, from this idea, Vietnamese science can devote to humanity a new invention.

Success a unique technology invention

If the first two points in the announcement of Dr. Vu Van Bang are still open issues, the fourth point can be considered as a success that has been actually tested.

Picture 2 of Decoding the mysterious ray of Dr. Vu Van Bang

Dr. Vu Van Bang.Photo: NNM.

I joined journalists from Vietnam Environment Journalists to participate in fieldwork in the land of Hon La, Quang Binh. This is the place where the economic zone and seaport opened, but it is almost a desert. Water supply for this economic zone is an important issue. Quang Binh Department of Natural Resources and Environment has invited surveying units inside and outside the province to explore and drill, but all failed. Dr. Bang has used the new method for a short time to identify the aquifer in riolit eruptive rock fissures (which cannot contain water). Of the 13 drilled wells, the volume of excess water required is not only for the seaport but also for the nearby resettlement area.

That's just where we see it firsthand. In fact, Dr. Bang has discovered thousands of groundwater wells from the northern mountains to Ba Ria-Vung Tau and the islands. Like us, Dr. Nguyen Van Tuc, an expert in hydrogeology, when watching the program " Contemporary people " uttered ' It (the way of confessing your fellow students'), it was so hot! ', but up to now, it has had to' restore the clothes ' and become an effective partner with TS Bang.

We have seen Dr. Bang ' perform ' using the new tool he invented BTX-09 to find water. It was a compact device, consisting of a metal frame like a sensor mounted on a rotating shaft attached to a small box. Based on the angle of rotation and the intensity measured from secondary force, he can give depth and water flow parameters.

To create this device is a journey to find out. Originally a geologist, graduated from Hanoi University of Technology, he worked as a doctoral dissertation on the construction foundation in Poland. Here casually acquainted with a new concept of ' earth rays ' affecting human health and disease, seemingly related to the feng shui theory of the East. Vu Van Bong began to study feng shui and apply this theory to the construction and interior design to protect the user's health. However, he found the results to be very vague, because the ' catch ' was not what the culprit caused bad effects.

Back to the country, Bang participated in the construction of a lake project in Ha Giang limestone mountain. In order for the lake to retain water, the most important issue is to discover the cacxơ underground caves. As a geological expert, of course he knew the traditional geophysical methods in underground exploration.

But now the 'earth bolt ' still haunts him and he suddenly thinks of the non-traditional methods of transmission for thousands of years in many nations of the world. It is a simple method of detecting mines and groundwater with two rods or two metal rods . Today in many parts of Africa, people still use this method, while the witty civilized world is superstition and deception. Dr. Bang argued that this fact had its reason, as well as the use of healing hotpot leaves.

During the days of the construction, he tried to build a device like a pinwheel to search water and caves. The result, in addition to his own expectations, was not only he discovered the cracks and underground car holes, but also the places where the concrete pourers poured. Vu Van Bang is very happy, like finding a new direction. But his device is too rudimentary, not reliable enough. By then spent hundreds of millions of VND to buy a modern geomagnetic device BPT-2010 used in research of biotechnology - physics produced by Germany. This machine measures the nanotesla unit. But bringing back the application does not work.

Since then he said that the mysterious ' ray of earth ' is not really a common geography that science knows. That prompted him to find the nature of a completely new form of ' ray ', which he called ' second-order second-order radiation '. To record this type of beam, there must be a completely new device suitable for it. From simple pinwheels, through many experiments, Bang has invented the device BXT-09, which amplifies the signals emitted from the ground, the place of contact between physical environments. different.

Dr. Bang explained the difference of this method as follows: Most modern geophysical methods such as electric methods, seismic methods, methods from . are used from outside to objects, to that object reflects back, so the machine only measures indirectly. While the new method is a place where there is contact, the ' sounding ' movement up so that the recorder and amplifier shows us.

Whether his theory is accepted or not, it is hard to deny the fact that with a compact machine TS Bang has achieved success in finding groundwater and caves (and also remains) ?).

Update 15 December 2018



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