Decorate text like newspaper pages.

Decorate text like newspaper columns.

1. Go to FormatColumns .

Picture 1 of Decorate text like newspaper pages.

2. The Columns dialog box appears:

Picture 2 of Decorate text like newspaper pages.

3. Select the OK button to finish dividing the text into a column.

Decorate the upper-case uppercase letters beautifully like the press.

1. Select (black out) the first letter of the paragraph

2. Go to Format Drop cap .

Picture 3 of Decorate text like newspaper pages.

3. The Drop cap dialog box appears:

Picture 4 of Decorate text like newspaper pages.

4. Select the OK button to finish creating uppercase letters to the beginning of the paragraph

Picture 5 of Decorate text like newspaper pages.
The result is created after dividing the column and decorating the uppercase of the paragraph
text . like a newspaper page