Detected an additional Wi-Fi security error

Security experts have discovered a very serious security flaw in the D-Link DWL-G132 Wi-Fi Adapter wireless device driver.

Information from HD Moore's ' Month of Privacy Security Months ' project said the bug could be exploited by hackers to cause buffer overflows to help them gain the right to execute code on installed systems Driver software makes mistakes.

D-Link security error is quite similar to the security error detected in the Wi-Fi wireless device driver of Apple Computer and Broadcom.

Picture 1 of Detected an additional Wi-Fi security error

D-Link's faulty product

HD Moore said the above security error was fixed in the latest version of D-Link driver sold with the D-Link WUA-2340 Adapter. However, there is no DWL-G132 Adapter driver patch yet.

Security bugs in the D-Link Adapter were discovered under the coordination of HD Moore and "Johnny Cache" Ellch - a Wi-Fi security expert who also raised the issue of driver security errors. Wireless at the recently held Black Hat Conference this year.

Ellch was also the one who discovered the same security flaw in the wireless device driver Broadcom integrated into a series of laptop products from Dell, HP, Gateway and others.

HD Moore added a code capable of attacking the D-Link Adapter security error into the Metasploit security testing toolkit.

Hoang Dung