Detecting fossils of human bones living on trees

American scientists have discovered fossil bones fossil of prehistoric Australopithecus afarensis living 3.9-1.9 million years ago. This person may be the direct ancestor of people today.

American scientists have discovered fossil bones fossil of prehistoric Australopithecus afarensis living 3.9-1.9 million years ago. This person may be the direct ancestor of people today.

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Picture 1 of Detecting fossils of human bones living on trees

The fossil foot bones of ancient A. afarensis (the dark part) are placed in the frame of the gorilla's foot bone. The big toe outward allows the feet to easily grip the branches .

Fossil analysis showed an unusual foot in the big toe, not straightened but extended outward as is often seen in chimpanzees and gorillas.

The direction of the toe allows the feet to easily grip the branches, indicating the ancestors of modern people climbing and 'making houses' on the canopy.

Picture 2 of Detecting fossils of human bones living on trees

'This is an important finding because it helps us to understand the evolution of human ancestors' feet - Professor of Anthropology Bruce Latimer (Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA), author of the study. save, say.

'This fossil bone fossil shows that human ancestors are much more complex than the researchers once thought when A. afarensis completely walked on both feet and did not live on trees' - co-author save, Yohannes Haile-Selassie (Cleveland Natural History Museum, Ohio), said.

Update 17 December 2018



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