Detecting homosexual people

Archaeologists have unearthed a 6000-year-old male skeleton in the village of Prague, Czech Republic.Based on the method of burial, archaeologists think this is a skeleton of gay men.

Picture 1 of Detecting homosexual people
The skeleton was found in a suburb of Prague with the head of the skull pointed to the east and surrounded by ceremonial vases only seen previously in the female tombs. Men are often buried with weapons, hammers, flint knives - (Photo: Daily Mail)

In addition, experts added that the long houses found near the grave were once homosexual caveman used to live there.

The skeleton was excavated with the head posture facing the east and surrounded by a vase, jar. This burial posture is only suitable for women as well as burial items. Men often buried with weapons, hammers, knives, flint, and women often use items such as jars, jars, necklaces, earrings.

Kamila research leader Remisova Vesinova said: ' This is not a mistake or a coincidence because during this period funeral rites were taken very seriously'.

This is the first case in ancient history that discovered the caveman's human remains that tend to be 'homosexual'.

Reference: Daily Mail