• Homosexuals at sea level

    Homosexuals at sea level
    By studying videos made by underwater vehicles, American scientists carried out off the coast of California, believing that these rare-sighted creatures often participate in
  • Homosexuality in ancient Egypt

    Homosexuality in ancient Egypt
    In fact, homosexuality is no stranger in the first civilizations known to mankind as ancient Egypt, more importantly this is not considered to be misleading.
  • Detecting homosexual people

    Detecting homosexual people
    Archaeologists have unearthed a 6000-year-old male skeleton in the village of Prague, Czech Republic. Based on the method of burial, archaeologists think this is a skeleton of gay
  • Gene loss makes gay male flies homosexual

    Gene loss makes gay male flies homosexual
    Scientists at Duke University Medical Center have recently discovered that male fruit flies lack genes that regulate the body's ability to perceive a particular odor.
  • Homosexuality in the animal world

    Homosexuality in the animal world
    The world's first exhibition of homosexuality in animals has shown that homosexuality in humans is not unnatural.