Detecting populations of gray-shanked douc langur about 100 animals

Picture 1 of Detecting populations of gray-shanked douc langur about 100 animals Source from the Office of the Strategic Management Area for Integrated Conservation (MOSAIC) project of the International Fund for Nature Conservation WWF - Indochina Program on October 27, said: conservation experts of the project recently discovered a population of gray-shanked Douc langur belonging to Group 1B of Decree 48/2002 / CP - prohibiting commercial exploitation and use, and is endemic to Vietnam. They are distributed in forests from Quang Nam and to Gia Lai and Binh Dinh in our country.

MOSAIC office and Quang Nam Forest Protection Department are currently conducting this rare and precious primate conservation in the form of supervision. WWF - The Indochina Program will provide US $ 20,000 a year for this conservation work.