Detection of hormones that treat diabetes

US scientists have discovered a hormone in the future that can overcome type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Picture 1 of Detection of hormones that treat diabetes

After working on mice, experts from the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (US) have discovered a hormone, betatrophin, that boosts adrenal beta cell insulin secretion efficiency by up to 30 times.

These cells produce insulin only when the body needs it, ensuring the regulation of insulin naturally.

Researchers believe that betatrophin can prevent patients from having to inject daily insulin. However, when it comes to the application of a new treatment, it will take some time, at least a few years.

Globalscience magazine said that now pharmaceutical manufacturers have begun to compete with each other in access to patent rights for business and certainly with hundreds of millions of diabetics in the world, this is a Big market.

The important discovery of the new hormone derives from an observation that during pregnancy beta cells in pregnant women thrive, and their blood insulin levels are very high. Experiments on mice have demonstrated the cause of increased betatrophin is in the growth of beta cells.