Detects genes that affect the body's fat distribution

A recent study has shown that certain genes affect the body's fat distribution independently of the body's total fat content.

Picture 1 of Detects genes that affect the body's fat distribution The study, which attracted the participation of about 400 researchers from more than 280 scientific institutes, was published on the journal Information on Natural Genetic Problems.

Scientists say they have identified 13 new positions, seven of which are bisexual genes that affect the distribution of body fat more strongly than men.

Previous studies have shown that fat is often stored in the abdomen, excess fat is a high risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The risk of these diseases is less for those with high fat in the thighs and buttocks.

Scientists say: " Body fat distribution is genetic, but a few different genes that affect this process have been identified ."

Besides, scientists also confirmed 14 known regions in the body sensitive to obesity, and identified 18 new regions related to determining the weight (fat or thin) level of a people based on height and weight parameters.