Diet is 'culprit' causing cancer

Life is more modern and full, but the cancer is on the rise.According to research by experts, by proofs of epidemiology and experimentation, it has been shown that diets involve 30-40% of cancers in men and up to 60% of cancers in women.

According to GS. Dr. Nguyen Ba Duc, drinking a lot of alcohol, especially in combination with smoking, increases the risk of cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus and larynx. Stomach cancer is closely related to diets containing many smoked substances, food preservatives and low levels of fresh fruits and vegetables. A diet high in fat, less fruits increases the death rate of prostate, colorectal, breast cancer . The food itself does not cause cancer but currently food preservatives, intermediates Metabolism, substances produced from mold in food are the cause of cancer.

Scientific studies show that some cancers in the digestive system such as colon cancer, stomach cancer . often appear in people who eat a lot of processed and marinated meat.

- Grilling, frying is cooked by heat. Grilled and fried foods . are soft, delicious and 'sweet'. It is a favorite dish of many people. However, scientists have recently said that if baked and fried foods reach over 200 degrees Celsius, the place directly with flames, fish, meat . arises heterocyclic amines are substances known to cause cancer.

Picture 1 of Diet is 'culprit' causing cancer

In addition, when grilling fatty foods, this substance, when smelted on flames, smokes up, produces another carcinogenic compound, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The substance has the potential to cause cancer on the smoke sticking to the food, making it look as black as charcoal.

- Smoked foods such as bacon, smoked liver, smoked fish . containing carcinogenic benzopyrene, eating more easily suffer from esophageal and stomach cancer.

- Fried foods increase the risk of developing cancer, especially when they contain hydrogenated oils - transfat fats. The process of deep frying or frying several times will create a byproduct called acrylamide. Acrylamide is a tumor containing a strong neurotoxin, which has side effects not only on the brain, but also for the reproductive system. High carbohydrate foods like potatoes easily produce acrylamide during frying. This is why french fries, especially French fries, are considered to be foods that are easily carcinogenic.

- Moldy foods such as rice, wheat, beans, corn, peanuts and other foods that are easily moldy when contaminated, mold will produce streptozotocin aflatoxin toxic carcinogen.

Many people often think that mold in dry food is simply a harmless microorganism that can be cleaned and does not affect food quality. However, according to experts' warnings, it is these fungi that carry the life-threatening cancer pathogen.

According to health experts, people who eat salty are at twice the risk of stomach cancer compared to those who eat light. Therefore, you should pay attention to the amount of salt in your daily diet. Remember, processed foods are high in salt and other preservatives are not beneficial to health, so it should be limited to the maximum.

To reduce the risk of cancer, experts recommend, eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, reduce fat, eat lean meat is the main, should replace animal fat with vegetable oil, use less salted food, Food that is preserved for long periods by smoking, salting, and soaking is not good. Limit drinking and especially not to gain too much weight .