Discover an old kitchen in Indiana

Picture 1 of Discover an old kitchen in Indiana

European tree seeds.(indianspringherbs)

Construction workers in Charlestown, Indiana, USA Park have discovered traces of a 4,000-year-old kitchen that American Indians can use to make winter dishes.

Bob McCullough, the head of the archaeological group at Fort Wayne University, said in the kitchen, Indians gathered about the seeds of the berries, using large stones to smash and boil them and extract the oil. fat.

Tribes often store oil from energetic seeds to eat slowly in the winter months of famine. McCullough said he was surprised when the kitchen was intact to this day. No human bones were found there.

The area was established from 2000 BC. There are many siliceous slates used to create tools. Other creatures include stones to grind and crush tree seeds, traces of a stove and plant pieces.