Discover new lizards in Peru National Park

Scientists have recently discovered a new lizard species with the scientific name Potamites erythrocularis, residing in the upper reaches of Manu National Park in the region of Cusco, Southeast Peru.

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Picture 1 of Discover new lizards in Peru National Park
New reptiles discovered in Peru.(Source: AFP)

Peru's Ministry of the Environment said that unlike many other lizards, this reptile has a layer of scales covering its back, the nose is attached to the forehead and there is a red halo around the male's eyes while the female does not have mucus secretions. Attracting mate and marking territory.

This new finding is part of a research program led by scientists Alessandro Catenazzi and German Chavez in collaboration with a group of biologists and rangers of Manu National Park.

Previously, the team also found a number of new lizards in three months scouring forests at an altitude of 1,570-2,100m.

Peru's Manu National Park is a World Heritage Organization for Culture, Science and Education (UNESCO). The low forest strata in this park have a very high level of biodiversity with many extremely rich plant and animal species.