Discover the fastest 'run' star in the universe

Astronomers from the European Space Agency (ESA) have discovered a star with a record movement speed, 20 times the speed of the earth.

The star is a red dwarf star. It rotates around the cosmic black hole MAXI J1659-152 (which is three times the weight of our sun). This star is only one-fifth the weight of the sun and 1 million km from the black hole.

Picture 1 of Discover the fastest 'run' star in the universe
The star only takes 2.4 hours to complete an orbit. (Photo: ESA)

According to ESA, because the star is lighter than the black hole and has a large orbit, it moves up to 2 million km / h. This is a record of speed for a star in the universe ever known to man. At this speed, it only took 2.4 hours to complete a circle around its orbit.

The previous record belonged to the star named Swift J1753.5–0127 with a time of 3.2 hours. Meanwhile, the black hole moved at a speed of only 150,000 km / h.

'This star moves at a dizzying speed. It is 20 times faster than the speed of the earth around the sun, ' revealed ESA astronomer Erik Kuulkers.

It is known that these two objects are located above the surface of our spiral galaxy.'With such a position, this star may be knocked out of the galaxy when the black hole's operation explodes,' said Kuulkers.

It is known that this star has been discovered since September 25, 2010, but only recently have scientists calculated its horror by measuring X-ray spectroscopy.