A new planet in the form of Little Neptune could have a cool temperate climate and liquid water - the potential for life.

Scientists at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico on May 12 discovered abnormal radio signals that were most likely coming from Ross 128, a red dwarf star.

Australian scientists discovered a planet orbiting a parent star at a billion billion kilometers, 7,000 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

The tiny star that shines 10,000 times the Sun can hinder or disrupt the evolution of life on planets orbiting it.

Research by American scientists shows that a red dwarf once glided through the solar system 70,000 years ago at close range.

Through the Kepler telescope, American scientists have discovered Earth's trio of warm planets with at least one potentially habitable planet.

The star is a red dwarf star. It rotates around the cosmic black hole MAXI J1659-152 (which is three times the weight of our sun). This star is only one-fifth the weight of the

Astronomers have identified four binary systems with members that exist side by side, contrary to the popular hypothesis in the scientific world.

An international group of astronomers has just confirmed the existence of an exoplanet that can meet the perfect conditions for life to exist. The discovery of the planet in a

On March 23, the Southern European Observatory (ESO) reported that they had found 9