Discover the forgotten language in Turkey

Archaeologists working in Turkey have found evidence of a forgotten language dating back more than 2,500 years, during the Assyrian Empire.

>>>What language did the ancient people use?

According to UPI news agency, experts from the University of Cambridge (UK) working in the area believed to be the ancient city of Tushan said: the language may be those of exile from the Zagros Mountains on the border between Iran and Iraq today.

According to a policy widely implemented throughout the Assyrian Empire, these people were forced to leave their homeland and settle in what is now southeastern Turkey.

Picture 1 of Discover the forgotten language in Turkey
Stone contains strange language in Turkey

Researcher John MacGinnis said: 'It is a measure that has helped Assyrians to consolidate their power by breaking the control of the ruling forces in newly invaded areas. If people are banished to a new location, they will be completely dependent on the Assyrian government to survive. '

Evidence for the language they used came from a clay tablet that 'survived' through a fire that destroyed a palace in Tushan, carved with hieroglyphs listing the names of women who had related to the palace and the Assyrian government.

'A total of about 60 names are preserved. One or two names are actually Assyrian languages ​​and several others belong to the languages ​​of the day, such as Luwian or Hurrian, but most of the others belong to an unknown language , 'MacGinnis said. strong.

'We know from the existing texts that the Assyrians invaded the region (western Iran). Now we know that there is another language, perhaps also coming from the region, and there may be additional evidence of its existence waiting to be discovered. '

Reference: World-archaeology