Discover the most 'perfect' dinosaur fossil

Scientists have discovered an intact dinosaur fossil up to 98% in the Bavarian region of Germany. This fossil is dated to 135 million years.

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According to the Daily Mail, this 135-million-year-old fossil is named Sciurumimus . Scientists have identified this as the skeleton of a small dinosaur about 5 years old, about 72cm long, large skull, short hind legs, wide mouth, little teeth.

Picture 1 of Discover the most 'perfect' dinosaur fossil
Dinosaur fossils date back to 135 million years to 98%. (Photo: Daily Mail)

The whole body of this dinosaur is covered with a thin coat. Through a research study, this dinosaur belongs to the coelurosaurs , a group closely related to birds. Fossils were found in limestone quarries near Kelheim in Bavaria, southern Germany.

It is unclear what kind of cause this dinosaur died, but it is highly likely that the animal has drowned.

Dr. Oliver Rauhut said: 'This fossil is perfectly preserved. Previously, the best specimen we had was an 80% intact specimen, while Sciurumimus was 98% intact. This is one of the most complete dinosaur fossils ever found worldwide.

When I first observed it, I found it to be unbelievably perfect, like someone had prepared this specimen to display in their living room. However, the rapid inspection process shows that this is exactly a naturally preserved specimen. '

Rauhut also said that the discovery of this specimen has a special importance for science because of its 'perfect' level . The size of the skull is larger than the rest of the body is a clear sign that this dinosaur died when it was only a few years younger. Scientists hope, this specimen may shed light on the mechanism of evolution, namely the evolution of dinosaurs to birds.

Reference: Daily Mail