Discover the oldest lizard lord

Researchers have discovered fossils of a new lizard species up to 48 million years old. This lizard fossil belongs to the Jesus lizard group, the common name of this group is to describe the ability to walk on water like the story written in the Bible about Jesus Christ.

The oldest lizard lord

This fossil belongs to the second era of the Paleogene period , where the fossil site belongs to Bridger Formation, Wyoming today.

Picture 1 of Discover the oldest lizard lord
This lizard species is scientifically named Babibasiliscus alxi - (Photo: Sci-News )

This lizard species is scientifically named Babibasiliscus alxi, representing the modern family of corytophanidae (casquehead) lizards , they live in warm, warm environments near the equator, stretching from southern Mexico to the side North South America.

Dr. Jack Conrad writes in ONE PloS magazine that Babibasilscus alxi may represent the first individual member of corytophanidae.

The Sci-News page quoted scientists as saying that this new known lizard is about 60 cm long and has a crest on its head to shade the eyes, so at first glance they look like they're angry. evil.

Babibasiliscus alxi has small teeth suitable for eating snakes, lizards, fish, insects, some plants. Besides, with large cheekbones, they do not deny larger prey.

Fossils of this new lizard species provide more climate data in greenhouse conditions 50 million years ago to compare with the impact of today's climate change on organisms.