Discover the ruins of the savage tribal war in Europe

Archaeologists have found evidence that thousands of people from nearly 400 tribes in Germany died in the war with a group of mysterious people in Denmark.

According to Live Science, about 2,000 years ago, an army of thousands of people gathered from nearly 400 tribes in Germany participated in the war against the invasion of a mysterious group of people in Denmark and they were kill clean. The entire bodies of the warriors were buried collectively through the speakers in the Alken Enge area of ​​the Illerup river valley, in the east of Jutland, Denmark.

Picture 1 of Discover the ruins of the savage tribal war in Europe
The pelvis of people is plugged into a tree branch that makes scientists associate a barbaric custom.

From 2009 to 2014, scientists found at least 2,095 bones of dead soldiers located in peat and sedimentary lakes on 185 acres of wetlands in East Jutland. All of these bones are male and thanks to the analysis of radioactive carbon, scientists have concluded that they are all aged 20-40 years old.

Notably, the skeletons found are often mixed, not neatly arranged. At the same time, there were very few intact skulls, most of them were smashed. Thereby, scientists confirmed that this was a brutal massacre in the war.

In addition, scientists found some samples of rodent and wolf teeth between bones. This shows that dead warriors are not properly buried so they become food for some animals living in that area.

What is worth mentioning here is that, among the dead soldiers, some were cut apart and plugged into tree branches in different positions. Thereby, making scientists think that this could be a war with some horror ritual.

Currently, scientists are still conducting research as well as continuing archeology in order to find the cause of this frightening war.