Discover the world's oldest animal sperm in Antarctica

From the Antarctic icy land, researchers unearthed a prehistoric jewel: 50 million-year-old sperm.

From the Antarctic icy land, researchers unearthed a prehistoric jewel: 50 million-year-old sperm.

World's oldest animal sperm in Antarctica

Today's report, this is the oldest animal sperm ever collected, produced by a cocoon worm called annelids clitellate e, commonly known as earthworms, leeches, and their congeners.

Using electron microscopy, the researchers found an "interlaced cable network, " nestled in the walls of a cocoon, which they later identified as the rare sperm of clitellate, Biology Letters. said.

Even more surprising is that sperm cells appear similar to today.

Picture 1 of Discover the world's oldest animal sperm in Antarctica

From the Antarctic fossil sperm samples, scientists will expand their research and find solutions to the conundrum: how have earthworms evolved?

In the next steps, the screening image has become sharper. The authors confirm the high resolution of fossils will not only mark a evolutionary history of annelids clitellate, but it will open the door to research on other insects.

The researchers draw conclusively, ancient worms are better than today.

Update 17 December 2018



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