Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

The remains of a Mayan Queen are just one of the many treasures that are found in a 2,000-year-old grave being eaten in Guatemala.

The remains of a Mayan Queen are just one of the many treasures that are found in a 2,000-year-old grave being eaten in Guatemala.

There are many mysteries covering this remains that archaeologists cannot explain. First of all, the Queen's head is placed between two wooden pots: one under the nape and one on the forehead. Besides the corpse, people found many priceless jewels and ceremony knives. Finally, the grave is found beneath another tomb with a "younger" age than 1300 years. Inside this tomb there is also a skeleton that is suspected to be a member of the royal family.

Picture 1 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

The Queen's head was mysteriously placed between two wooden pots. (Photo: Daily Mail)

The two tombs are located in the Guatemalan Nakum Ruins area, which used to be the crowded and busy capital of the Mayan civilization. This was the first time that the Royal Maya tomb was discovered in Nakum, although scientists have been digging and searching for decades in the Cultural Triangle (Nakum and periphery).

Archaeological professor Wieslaw Koszkul and colleagues from the Archaeological Institute of Krakow, Poland believe that the stacked tombs structure shows that this population may be a tomb used for a long dynasty. minimum 400 years.

Picture 2 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

The large wooden pot, touches the pattern placed on the Queen's forehead.

The remains of the grave inside the grave above were destroyed by the termite, however Professor Koszkul said that it was obviously the body of a member of the royal family. Moreover, this may be a woman because they also found a small ring inside the grave.

The grave excavation began in 2006. After finding their way to the first floor of the grave, scientists found cracks in the floor. They decided to cut through the soil and find the second grave.

Picture 3 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

Maya Queen image in traditional paintings.

Sharing with the Daily Mail , Professor Koszkul said that at the moment, he still does not know why the body is buried with a wooden pot. Besides, the grave has no sign of theft, although the grave of grave robbers leaves a lot around.

Picture 4 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

The small stone ring that archaeologists found in the 1300-year-old tomb is upstairs.

The ancient Mayans were concentrated in Central America, most in southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras during the period from 500 BC to 900 AD.

Picture 5 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

Picture 6 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

Picture 7 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

Model of constructing two graves

Picture 8 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

The priceless stone jewel chains
found next to Queen Maya's corpse.

Picture 9 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

Picture 10 of Discovered 2000-year-old Queen Maya skeleton

The location of Nakum ruins, where two graves were found.

Update 17 December 2018



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