Discovered 24 new species in Suriname

24 new species have been found in plateaus in eastern Suriname (*) . According to Leeanne Alonso, a scientist of the International Conservation Organization, among the newly discovered species, there are atelopus frogs characterized by purple stripes, 6 fish species, 12 species of dung beetles and an ant species. .

Scientists have called on authorities to better protect conservation in state-owned and unprotected areas, where hunting and illegal gold mining are small. quite popular.

About 80% of Suriname is forested. Authorities say thousands of Brazilians and Suriname have been exploiting illegal gold in these forests, polluting mercury, threatening people's health and survival.

Picture 1 of Discovered 24 new species in Suriname
Atelopus frog with purple stripes (Photo: AP)

(*) Along the northeastern coast of South America, bordering Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean