Discovered a 1500-year-old female mummy in Mongolia

Archaeologists believe that the mummy found in the Altai Mountains (Mongolia), dating back to 1500 years ago, belonged to a commoner woman but was buried with a formal ceremony.

This may be the first complete Uighur grave found in Central Asia, with many properties found inside the grave such as flower vases, wooden bowls, ancient clothes, saddles and bridles. . "It can help us discover a lot more about life in Mongolia in the 6th century AD, especially in terms of belief and spirituality, " experts said.

Picture 1 of Discovered a 1500-year-old female mummy in Mongolia
Archaeologists have removed the wrapper around the legs of the mummy.

Due to the meaning of such mummies, archaeologists are dismantling the cloth wrapped around the mummy very carefully. Up to this point, only one hand and two feet were exposed, with modern looking shoes.

"Mummies found at 2803 meters above sea level should be preserved intact," said B.Sukhbaatar, a researcher from Khovd Museum. "This person does not belong to the highest class in society then and we believe it is a woman, because she cannot find bows and arrows in the grave." Of course, more accurate and specific information will only be obtained after archaeologists have removed all the cloth wrapped around the mummy.

Picture 2 of Discovered a 1500-year-old female mummy in Mongolia
Furniture found inside the grave.

In addition to ceramic pots and wooden bowls, it was discovered in the grave of iron kettles, a horse skeleton and pillows, a sheep's head, an inner luggage bag with intact the back of the sheep and goat bones. This is probably the "escort" of this woman on the journey to the afterlife, according to the belief of the ancient Uighur.

"We can clearly see that the horse has been sacrificed according to its owner. It is a horse about 4-8 years old," said B.Sukhbaatar scholar. "We also found 4 coats made of cotton."

Another interesting finding is that the costumes in the grave use not only fleece but also camel hair. The burial objects in the grave, along with the style of the hats found are clues to their speculation about the date.

Picture 3 of Discovered a 1500-year-old female mummy in Mongolia
An embroidered bag showed the craft level of the time.

"The tomb is 3 meters deep below the ground. The burial objects show that the old Duy Ngo Uyen has a very skillful and skillful manipulation. Since this is only a grave of an ordinary person, we can It is clear that the level of craftsmanship at that time was very developed, " concluded archaeologists.

The first Uighurs lived in areas from Central Asia to Siberia from the 6th century BC. This race was first mentioned in a Chinese script, when this document describes the life along the Silk Road. The Uighurs have their own alphabet, their own language and are very good at using the wolf-shaped symbol and the blue color. In fact, some scholars believe that the word Turquoise is derived from Turkish (Uighur).