Discovered the culprit causing the sudden death of young people

Scientists have identified a mutant CDH2 gene that could lead to sudden death in young people and many athletes.

Scientists have identified a mutant CDH2 gene that could lead to sudden death in young people and many athletes.

The CDH2 gene causes right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) , a genetic disorder that causes the patient's heart to stop beating, which is the unexpected cause of death in young healthy people, according to Science Daily.

The results of this study were published by the international cooperation group between Cape Town University and the Hospital Groote Schuur in South Africa, University of Pavia in Italy, McMaster University in Canada on March 8.

Picture 1 of Discovered the culprit causing the sudden death of young people

Mutant CDH2 genes can cause sudden death in young people.(Photo: Fotolia).

ARVC is often fatal in people under 35 because the heart stops beating. Heart tissue of patients with ARVC is replaced by adipose tissue and fibrous tissue. This stimulates the development of arrhythmia.

Bongani Mayosi, the lead author of the study at the University of Cape Town, tracks a family in South Africa with ARVC genetic disease for 20 years. This family has a number of abnormal death members when they reach adolescence. The team deciphered the genome of the two diseased members and found the mutant gene CDH2 from more than 13,000 common genetic variants.

"This is important information for families with sudden death from heart disease. The mutation gene CDH2 is the main culprit in the death of these patients. The results of the study will pave the way for interventions. Future room and genetic counseling , " said Guillaume Paré, a member of the research team.

CDH2 is responsible for producing Cadherin 2, or N-Cadherin, an important protein that produces normal adhesion between heart cells. Some previous studies have shown that genetically modified mice without this protein often suffer from malignant ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death.

Update 15 December 2018



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