Discovered the old city of 3400 years old in Israel

Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of an ancient city, dating back to the 14th century BC, buried under the rubble of another Israeli city.

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Picture 1 of Discovered the old city of 3400 years old in Israel
Traces of the ancient city, where pharaoh Amenhotep III's talisman leaf was discovered.(Photo: Tel Gezer Excavations)

According to Live Science, the traces found include an Egyptian beetle pharaoh Amenhotep III and a number of excavated bronze objects from Gezer, an ancient city in the Canaan region. These artifacts were discovered early this summer by American archaeologists and Israel Antiquities.

According to the researchers, the ancient city of Gezer has an important strategic position and lies on the trade route linking Asia and Africa. It had been ruled for centuries by Egyptians, Canaanians and Assyrians, before an Egyptian pharaoh handed over the ruling over the city to King Solomon in the 10th century to the 8th century BC, as a Wedding gift for son-in-law.

Finding traces of the buried ancient city shows that the city is even older than the reign of King Solomon.

According to the research team, these new findings are entirely consistent with the hypotheses put forward by many scholars.