Do you know how many faces each of us can remember?

It is surprising that each of us has the ability to memorize many different faces and that limit can be up to 5,000 people.

It is surprising that each of us has the ability to memorize many different faces and that limit can be up to 5,000 people.

You know a lot of faces including family members, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, celebrities, . But have you ever wondered how much is the ability to remember each person's face? Scientists at York University, UK, found the answer with an amazing number.

Picture 1 of Do you know how many faces each of us can remember?

On average, one person can identify about 5,000 different faces.

First of all remember, before TV and Internet appeared, people had to live in a common population for thousands of years. Now when modern people no longer live in a herd, concentrate, we have the opportunity to interact with more faces through TV and the Internet.

According to scientists at York University, an average person can identify about 5,000 different faces. This is an amazing number. Although it is an incredible number, many previous studies have shown that the limits of memory and processing of the human brain have never had a clear limit.

To determine the above figure, the research team assigned 25 volunteers to spend an hour describing the faces they once met or recognized in life, including relatives, colleagues and classmates. Participants will then complete a similar task with celebrities and public figures they can recognize.

According to Sciencemag, participants easily describe immediately familiar people who meet every day. But then they gradually fell into the world when the time was up. This change allows researchers to estimate when they cannot remember their faces.

Picture 2 of Do you know how many faces each of us can remember?

Continuing, volunteers will be able to see about 3,441 photos of celebrities, including Barack Obama and Tom Cruise. They were asked to assign photos of celebrities they recognized. To ensure consistency, each person will have to identify two different images related to a single celebrity.

As a result, a person in the study can identify the number of faces ranging from 1,000-10,000. After combining and filtering data from the two tests, the team determined the average number of faces a person can remember is 5,000.

Dr. Rob Jenkins of the Department of Psychology at York University said: "Why is this range? It is because some people have a natural ability to remember faces. In addition, there is a difference. Significant differences in the way people pay attention to a face and how each person processes information is also very different . "

We sometimes do not look directly at the face of the other person while talking. That's why some people don't have the ability to remember the best faces.

In addition, Jenkins said the deviation could be due to a person's living and maturity process . For example, if a person is born in densely populated areas, they are likely to meet more people and remember more faces since childhood.

The average age of the study participants is 24 years. Therefore, families are waiting to see if the results of this long-term study change with age. This research also opens the basis for many new findings about the ability of people to recognize faces in the future.

Update 18 December 2018



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