Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?

Today, the market is flooded with sugar and sweeteners labeled "healthy". Does this confuse you? Will one of those sugars be better than others?

"To be honest, whether you're talking about coconut sugar, honey or sugar, these sweeteners all come into the body like sugar , " said Brian St. Pierre, a nutrition expert and health coach from the United States, said. "Some sweeteners are sucrose, some are fructose, so they have a slightly different way of affecting the body."

Basically: Sucrose is a type of sugar and fructose is a simple sugar . "Sucrose is broken down into fructose and glucose before being absorbed into the bloodstream and makes blood sugar levels rise. High blood sugar levels can damage your blood vessels , " Pierre said.

On the other hand, fructose does not enter the blood like glucose . Pierre explained: "It goes to the liver and is first used completely, so it does not increase blood sugar. But when you consume excess calories and fructose, it can be converted into triglycerides, which are when worse than glucose ".

Another plus for fructose is that it does not cause tooth decay . Fructose also does the job of restoring liver glycogen. Thereby, the brain will know you are full of stomach and stop taking calories for your body.

Picture 1 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
Is there some kind of sugar better than others?

However, according to Pierrer, some kind of sugar is not necessarily better than others."Eating too many sugars like sucrose, glucose, fructose can lead to problems. The health effects on your body depend on how much you eat."

Normally, you should keep the sugar content of about 5-10% of the total calories consumed each day."The exact number depends on your body shape, your goals and the level of physical activity. If you want a balanced body, it's 15% of body fat for men, 23- 25% for women, you will need to eat less sugar.If you want a 6-pack abdominal muscles, you will also have to limit your sugar consumption , " Pierre said.

His advice is that sugar should be enjoyed moderately. You should eat slowly until you feel satisfied. While there is no easy way to win compared to the rest, Pierre offers a healthy ranking of sweet and sugar types, based on his own views.

According to Pierre, here are 8 positions where the health of sugar and sweetener decreases:

1. Stevia

Picture 2 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
This sweetener does not contain calories and does not contain sugar.

Classification: Natural sweetener

Advantages: Derived from natural stevia leaves, this sweetener does not contain calories and does not contain sugar. "If you are comparing calories that contain calories and do not contain calories, stevia will always win the final victory. It does not increase blood sugar, is of natural origin and many health benefits when used in "Stevia is also biologically active, can supplement some anti-inflammatory substances and help you cut calories," Pierre said.

Disadvantages: Stevia has an aftertaste that takes time to get used to. Like all sweeteners, stevia abuse is also harmful to health.

2. Honey

Picture 3 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
Honey is often considered a food rather than sugar.

Classification: A blend of fructose and glucose

Advantages: "Honey is very popular and is believed to be due to its anti-bacterial properties. That's why it can be used as a medicine to relieve cough or soothe a sore throat. Manuka Honey (made "Because bees suck Manuka nectar in Australia) and high-grade honey often has more health benefits. In general, honey is often considered a food rather than sugar , " Pierre said.

Disadvantages: Honey contains high calories and carbohydrates.

3. Coconut sugar

Picture 4 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
Coconut sugar contains a small amount of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, inulin, fiber.

Classification: Contains mainly sucrose, in addition to some other nutrients.

Advantage : This type of road receives positive reviews. It is made from coconut resin and only undergoes a preliminary process. The coconut resin is extracted then heat-dried. It crystallizes into a more natural brown color than raw sugar. Coconut sugar contains a small amount of minerals such as megie, potassium, inulin, fiber.

Cons: Coconut sugar is still a high-calorie sweetener, causing the aging process called "glycation". This process causes the subcutaneous collagen to break down. As a result, the skin will no longer feel smooth, signs of aging such as wrinkles will appear.

4. Raw cane sugar

Picture 5 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
This sugar is extracted from sugarcane but not refined.

Classification: Sucrose.

Advantages: Derived from sugarcane but not through refining process. Raw sugar cane is also known as "Turbinado" when in the form of pressed sugarcane juice. Turbinado is often used to add sweetness to skimmed milk like almonds, hemp, cashews and used in cakes.

Without refining like sugar, raw cane sugar retains molasses and water. So, in terms of calculations, you're eating less sugar per serving.

Disadvantages: In general, raw sugarcane does not benefit much and is still harmful to health.

5. Agave

Picture 6 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
Agave can benefit people with diabetes.

Classification: Fructose and glucose, in which the ratio can be up to 9: 1.

Advantages: Many people like the taste of this sugar. It is also a great combination with wine and cocktails.

Disadvantages: This type of road is often advertised as having a low GI (Glycemic Index). This may be misleading. Agave may be more beneficial for people with diabetes. As for normal people, the benefits of Agave are not significant.

6. Brown sugar

Picture 7 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
Brown sugar has low nutrient content.

Classification: Sucrose.

Advantages: Some molasses extracted from the refining process is added back to this type of sugar. That's why brown sugar is brown and a small amount of nutrients.

Disadvantages: The amount of nutrients is too low, can not be confirmed as beneficial.

7. White sugar granular

Picture 8 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
This type of sugar is made from sugarcane or radish, suitable for many uses.

Classification: Sucrose.

Advantages: Made from sugarcane or radish, white sugar provides gentle taste, suitable for many uses.

Disadvantages: Nature is still white sugar, granulated sugar undergoes chemical processing and refining processes.

8. Artificial sweeteners (Aspartame, Splenda)

Picture 9 of Do you know that fecal sugar is so diverse and the effect on the body is different?
Artificial sweeteners are usually chemical compounds, not really a food.

Classification: Artificial sweeteners.

Advantages: Artificial sweeteners are not sugar and contain no calories.

Disadvantages: The artificial sweeteners are usually chemical compounds and are not really a food. Splenda is sucralose (a sugar molecule combined with chlorine molecules), Maltodextrin is derived from corn, usually genetically modified corn, then added to food as a non-nutritional additive, providing satiety .

"Aspartame is on the list of potential carcinogens of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In animal studies, it is related to leukemia when using high doses. I am very Be careful with aspartame and only drink a can of soft drink on a rare special occasion. I will not let my children use this artificial sweetener, " Pierre said.