How the body changes after 60 minutes of drinking fresh water

10 minutes of the body's full absorption of sugar, 40 minutes after the body absorbs all caffeine in fresh water, 60 minutes begins to affect the body's calcium level .

According to Davidwolfe, 1.9 billion bottles of soft drinks are consumed every day worldwide. Each bottle of soft drinks contains a large amount of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) , which is the highest calorie source in the American diet. HFCS is often used as a sweetener in processed foods. An American consumes an average of nearly 20 kilograms of fructose corn syrup each year and teenagers are the most consumed of this sugar.

HFCS interacts with the brain similar to cocaine and heroin. In fact, one study showed that laboratory mice withstand all kinds of pain when walking through an electric plate if they had previously used HFCS.

Picture 1 of How the body changes after 60 minutes of drinking fresh water
Every day, 1.9 billion bottles of soft drinks are consumed worldwide.

According to researchers, the body will change when consuming fresh water. Here's how each landmark changes when you drink a glass of soft drink:

First 10 minutes

All sugar in carbonated drinks will be received by your body within 10 minutes of drinking. Fresh water is considered a kind of water that contains a lot of harmful sugar. If you consume too much sugar, you are at risk for tooth decay, leptin resistance (obesity), diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

20 minutes later

Researchers have found that when large amounts of fructose enter the liver, the body will convert most into fat. This is the cause of obesity and disease development, even cancer.

40 minutes

Your body absorbs all caffeine in fresh water. Absorption amount can be up to 32mg.

45 mins

At this point, the brain starts reacting to increase dopamine production, you feel good mood and get excited.

60 minutes

At 60 minutes, carbonated drinks begin to affect the body's calcium levels, which can harm your bones.

In addition to 60 minutes, other body nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, sodium and electrolytes will be removed due to fresh water.