Sugar is sometimes as dangerous as alcohol

An uncontrolled sugar diet can put you at higher risk for illness than a normal person.

Like many other spices, sugar is an uncommon thing in today's family kitchens. People use it without having to worry too much, because most of us have never heard about eating a lot of sugar is harmful. But this thought should be changed soon, when you should know that sugar is one of the reasons for the rise of some dangerous diseases.

There is a sad fact that today children are at risk for adult-only diseases such as high blood pressure or excess blood fat. Even some extremely dangerous diseases like diabetes or fatty liver have appeared at this age. Why is that?

Picture 1 of Sugar is sometimes as dangerous as alcohol
Photo: Internet.

Many people will predict the cause of this situation from the "obesity pandemic" going on globally.

It is often said that too many calories from fast food are the cause of this phenomenon. Yes, the amount of fat and energy to these foods contribute significantly to causing these diseases. But going into research, we will learn more about the underlying causes of the story.

Road excess and the danger of diabetes

First of all, it is necessary to clarify a concept that perhaps if we remember the lessons of high school students, we will not be too strange. The human body uses energy from food, going through many physical transformations to use them. But the road itself is a kind of "crystalline energy" for the human body . It does not need to be metabolized like normal food but can be directly absorbed into energy. And the problem starts here.

A research team from the University of California, San Francisco has spent a lot of time researching the effects of sugar on the growth of pathologies for people today. They published their findings in the Obesity magazine of their results: the energy supplied from sugar is different from the energy supplied by other foods . And one of the most obvious diseases of excess body sugar is diabetes.

Picture 2 of Sugar is sometimes as dangerous as alcohol
The suffering of diabetic patients is not strange.(Photo: Internet).

Every year, the proportion of people suffering from obesity worldwide falls to about 1%, while this rate of diabetic patients is 4 times that. If you don't know yet, diabetes (also known as sugar excess) is one of the main causes of many serious diseases, typically coronary heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, impotence, . (according to Wikipedia).

Diabetes-related numbers can give you an overview: Some countries are suffering from "obesity" without being diabetic (like Iceland, Mongolia and the Federated States of Micronesia), while other countries have diabetes without obesity (India, Pakistan and China, for example). 12% of people in China have diabetes, but obesity rates are much lower. America is the fattest country on earth (in terms of the number of obese patients) and their diabetes rate is 9.3%. Simply put, as in the United States, one in every 10 people will have diabetes.

Like obesity or other "excess" diseases, diabetes is also a consequence of an unreasonable diet. So does reducing sugar in foods reduce the risk of diabetes?

Real test

To experiment with the effects of sugar on the body's metabolism, the team conducted a study of 43 Latin-American and African-American children in the US for 10 days. They began to make metrics about the metabolism, insulin hormone levels (to convert sugar into energy) in the body as well as blood sugar and some other processes.

The way to proceed is a bit scientific, but it can be understood simply as follows: they provide these children with the same amount of food as what they eat every day.The difference is that they provide more dietary carbohydrates (roughly known as "crude" energy supplied from food) to remove sugar starch from the feed ingredients . That means these foods will not have artificial sugar in the food but they will be metabolized by their bodies. To do that, they give them more fruit to supplement with natural sugars, while the fiber from fruits also contributes to reducing sugar absorption for the body.

Picture 3 of Sugar is sometimes as dangerous as alcohol
Strengthen foods that provide natural sugars like fruits.(Photo: Internet).

The results of the study are quite amazing!

The children in this study still maintained good weight, and health progressed in an extremely positive direction. With removal of artificial sugar from their food for 10 days, indicators such as blood pressure, blood fat content, hormone insulin levels and body sugar are all improved. And the most important thing is that they don't do anything too big or difficult, they just don't put sugar in what they eat every day.
An in-depth study is also being done with adults, in the hope that they can stay positive both in the short and long term for their health.

Sugar is sometimes dangerous like alcohol

The results of the study showed that sugar is an important factor affecting the physical metabolism of the body. By reducing or even eliminating it, we are improving our body's metabolism - which is also strengthening our health.

But many protesters will say: "But sugar is natural. It's an important thing for thousands of years. It's food, but how can food be harmful?"

When you have such arguments, keep yourself alert. Food is something that we put into our bodies to supply material, transforming into energy for our bodies. But sugar is energy, it is not a nutrient. This explains why when you get tired or lose your blood pressure, drink some sugar or some soft drink and your health will recover quickly.

Picture 4 of Sugar is sometimes as dangerous as alcohol
Sugar or alcohol is equally dangerous.(Photo: Internet).

Just like alcohol, sugar provides energy for the body . And like drinking lots of alcohol, the excess energy in your body will have serious consequences. Diabetes, for example, is because the body has too much sugar in the blood leading to excessive urination, passing sugar and the body is always in a state of fatigue. And if you ask why alcohol is involved, that's because people make alcohol by . fermenting sugar.

So it is clear, sugar is not poison, but if you consume it unreasonably (like sweet food for example), it can become a true toxin to the body . It is even more dangerous when diabetes is becoming more and more common and dangerous.

When there is still a choice, supplement your diet with more natural foods and minimize the dependence on artificial sugar. Do it for your own health.