Do you know that the human brain has been programmed for poetry?

Science has proven, every individual is a born poet .

Even if it is Nguyen Binh, Xuan Dieu or Nguyen Du, the verses always touch our minds and help us get new human beings. And from a neuroscience perspective, these are completely grounded claims.

Picture 1 of Do you know that the human brain has been programmed for poetry?
It seems that the brain has been programmed to identify rhymes.

In recent years, as magnetic resonance imaging and other imaging diagnostics have made tremendous strides, scientists have used them in studying the brain's reaction to poetry. . They realize that the brain has been programmed to identify the rhymes and beats used in a verse , as well as separate them from other common sentences. They also found that, when dropping imagination into verses, or when trying to understand the meaning behind it, the brain automatically activates certain areas of analysis.

These are the new results published in the scientific journal Frontiers of Psychology. Scientists at Bangor University in England conducted this study on a group of Welsh-speaking volunteers. First of all, these volunteers are allowed to read a group of statements. Some verses in this group are structured according to the principle of Cynghanedd , an ancient form of Welsh structure, others are just ordinary sentences.

Picture 2 of Do you know that the human brain has been programmed for poetry?
Each individual carries his subconscious instincts.

Volunteers were asked to compare these sentences with each other, about rhythms as well as rhymes. After that, volunteers will be fitted with an EEG device in the process of identifying these sentences.

Scientists found that the number of EEG signals increased dramatically every time volunteers read the verses.'I believe this result shows that poetry is very intuitive. Each individual carries a subconscious instinct for his poetry , 'said Gullaume Thierry, a professor of psychology at Bangor University, who led the study.

Poetry also seems to affect certain areas of the brain. In another study published in 2013's Consciousness Studies, researchers conducted research subjects while they were reading different types of texts. These types of documents range from manuals, cookbooks to several verses of different genres. Research subjects are recommended to evaluate the texts they are reading, based on emotional criteria, literary as well as the ability to suggest content.

Picture 3 of Do you know that the human brain has been programmed for poetry?
As the text becomes more rhyming and the more emotional it is, the greater the degree of activation on the fMRI film.

The results show that, as the text becomes more rhyming and the more emotional it is, the greater the degree of activation on the fMRI film. The most active regions are the basal ganglia, with the function of regulating movement and handling the front and frontal lobe, an area involved in the cognitive process.

Poetry has long been an integral part of human culture and history. The results of these studies initially not only prove that essential, but moreover, it also reveals many potential applications of poetry with humanity. But right now, why don't you try to challenge yourself, to see how much your poet's instincts reach?