Does the new iPod killer have the same design as Windows Media Player?

The music player, called Zune, is expected by Microsoft to beat the Apple iPod mogul, drawing great attention from the Internet community. Many people believe that the product will look exactly like the WMP audio player of the US software group.

According to some sources, Zune will be equipped with 30 GB or 60 GB hard drive with many different colors. In addition, due to the integration of Windows Media Player, the device will be styled like this software:

Picture 1 of Does the new iPod killer have the same design as Windows Media Player?

The design is posted on Reg Hardware

The photo above was published by Danish graphic designer Klaus Silberbauer on his blog yesterday.

Picture 2 of Does the new iPod killer have the same design as Windows Media Player?

Designed by EnGadget

According to information on the EnGadget technology page, Zune will appear on November 14 with three versions of black, brown and cotton, support FM and include about 13 different accessories.